The guidelines given below are designed to promote student safety at the bus stop:
2. Students who must cross the road to board a bus should never do so until the bus has come to a complete stop, the proper warning signs are displayed, and the driver motions for students to cross.
3. Students MUST look for traffic in all directions before approaching the bus.
4. Students should cross the road in front of the bus, never cross the road behind the bus.
5. Students should always stand a safe distance from the road. TWELVE FEET OR MORE.
6. Before exiting the bus, students should stop at the bottom step and look to the right for traffic that is attempting to pass on the door side.
7. Students who must cross the road after exiting from the bus MUST cross at least twelve (12) feet in front of the bus and ONLY after the driver has motioned them to proceed to the edge of the center line. The student(s) will then receive another signal from the driver, prompting them to look in both directions for traffic and quickly cross the roadway. Students should not stop moving until they are at least 12 feet off the road. Do not stop to check mailboxes.
8. Students should never run to or from the bus.
9. Students should be at their assigned bus stop FIVE MINUTES prior to the scheduled arrival of the bus.
Parents should:
Make sure your child is at the bus stop five minutes early. Never be late. Haste increases the chance of accident. Review bus safety rules with your child and stress the necessity of observing them. The bus driver is an employee of the school system and merits the respect and courtesy due all school personnel. Teach your child to obey the bus driver. Actively cooperate with school officials and school bus drivers regarding appropriate conduct of your child at the bus stop and on the bus. Student behavior on school buses is considered an extension of classroom behavior. Students whose conduct affects their safety or the safety of others on board will be subject to disciplinary action. Parents play an important role in educating children on the rules of school bus safety. Remind your child to walk on the shoulder of the road on the way to and from the bus stop, where possible, and not on the traveled portion of the road. Remind your child to wait in a safe place, at least twelve feet off the road, until the bus comes to a stop. Students should not move toward the bus until the bus and all traffic have stopped and the driver signals them to do so. Students should stop and look before crossing the road when preparing to board or depart the bus. It is very important to look - do not expect approaching traffic to stop. Periodically remind your child of the importance of mannerly and orderly behavior at the bus stop. Periodically check on students at the bus stop. Accompany very young children to the bus stop and meet them on their return from school when possible.
Motorists should:
Watch for children at bus stops and as they get on or off the bus. DO NOT attempt to pass a School Bus that is displaying red flashing lights and an extended stop arm. Use special caution during school hours and around school speed zones. Always watch for the unexpected.